Raw Farm Ends Cheese Recall Amid Health Concerns

Raw Farm Ends Cheese Recall Amid Health Concerns

Today, we've got some serious cheese chatter to cover. Listen up, because this affects cheese lovers out there!

So, the big health organizations we all know – the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) – are looking into a pretty major health scare involving cheese. What's going on? Well, there's been a bunch of people getting sick from a type of bacteria called E. coli O157:H7. And guess where it's coming from? Some unpasteurized, raw milk cheese made by a company called RAW FARM LLC, which used to go by Organic Pasteurs.

These health experts are telling everyone that eating, selling, or even passing around this RAW FARM Raw Cheddar cheese is a no-go. Even though it's okay to sell certain unpasteurized cheeses, this one is causing problems.

So far, 11 people from different places like California, Colorado, New Jersey, Texas, and Utah have gotten sick. And it's pretty serious – five of those folks ended up in the hospital, and two are dealing with major kidney issues. Thankfully, no one has lost their life.

The cheese is definitely in the hot seat, as seven out of nine people who got sick said they ate RAW FARM's Raw Cheddar. The cheese hasn't tested positive for E. coli yet, but all signs point to it being the cause. The company even tried to recall the cheese and then changed its mind, which is super confusing.

This isn't the first time RAW FARM (back when it was called Organic Pasteurs) has had trouble. There have been several problems with their raw milk products making people sick in the past. Serious stuff!

Now, there's also been some legal drama. The courts have kept a close eye on RAW FARM and its owners because of concerns about their products. There was even a time when the government said they weren't playing by the rules and could have faced tougher penalties. They've made some promises to follow stricter guidelines, especially around their product labels.

But the story isn't just about RAW FARM. It reflects a bigger issue with selling unpasteurized milk products, which can sometimes be risky. While plenty of people in California love their products, everyone needs to know about these risks.

That's the scoop for now, folks. Remember to stay safe and informed when you're enjoying your favorite foods. Keep checking back for updates, and don’t forget to care for your health and well-being!

Image via Raw Farm LLC

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